Diese Woche habe ich an einer der regelmaessig von Discover Outdoors angebotenen Fotografie Exkursionen teilgenommen. Diesmal ging es um Holiday - Lights: also um das Ablichten der geschmueckten Haeuser und Schaufenster auf der Fifth Avenue, der Dekoration auf der Avenue of the Americas und - natuerlich - dem Weihnachtsbaum am Rockefeller Center. Es war bitterkalt. Minus 7 Grad klingt erstmal nicht so schlimm, aber wer schon mal in New York war, weiss auch, wie kalt der Wind in den Strassenschluchten sein kann. Mit Handwaermern sogar in den Stiefeln und mehreren Lagen Kleidung schafften wir es schliesslich, die 3 Stunden draussen auszuhalten - und genau wegen dieser Kaelte war es nicht voll - gute Voraussetzungen fuer freie Sicht. Schaut mal an, was dabei herauskam - einfach zuruecklehnen und geniessen - und das in der warmen Stube!
This week, I had the chance to participate at one of the photo excursions that are regularly offered by "Discover Outdoors". The topic was "Holiday Lights", and of course it was all about capturing the beautifully decorated houses and display windows on Fifth Avenue, the decoration on the Avenue of the Americas and - of course - the Christmas tree at the Rockefeller Center. The night was bitterly cold. 19 degree doesn't sound that bad. However, when you have been to Manhattan, you will know how bad the wind is blowing between the sky scrapers. We made it through the three hour class, using hand warmers even in our boots and wearing many layers o clothes. On the other hand - due to the cold - not that many people were out there and we had even the option to use a tripod. Just lean back and enjoy - and stay warm!
Central Park Eingang - Entrance |
... und nun die Fifth Avenue runter - and now down Fifth Avenue
Schneekristall ueber der Kreuzung Fifth Ave / 57th Street - Snow crystal at intersection Fifth Ave / 57th Street |
Still no breakfast at Tiffany's - Immer noch kein Fruehstueck bei Tiffany's
Bulgari |
Avenue of the Americas - Radio City Hall |
... und endlich - DER Weihnachtsbaum - and finally: THE tree
THE tree - DER Weihnachtsbaum |
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